Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer of...

So, this week has been trying to say both the least and the most. I feel lost, unaccompanied in this jungle, weak and hurt. I want to believe that there's more, but I'm becoming more and more disillusioned as time passes, as slowly as that may be.

I received an email earlier today that pretty much states that I will be taking several mediocre-leveled classes in the fall, which is far from what I would have liked. However, I am willing to give my case another fighting attempt as I begin work on the summer assignments I have yet to complete.

I want to feel as though I have the capacity to achieve what I want to achieve and to do so with hard work and fighting power, but everything that happens seems to cut me down and it's not helpful. It doesn't kill me, but it does cause my knees to buckle under the weight of it all.

Let me know if you find a door that leads somewhere else...

Thalia - Exhausted By the Weight of the English Language

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