Thursday, February 26, 2009


As it turns out, I have a speech to turn in tomorrow at 9 a.m. I haven't got a clue what I'm going to write and I have other homework to do too. I honestly feel lost, helpless and... overall, a let down to nobody but myself. I really want to be ASB president, but I don't know what I'll do if I can't get the speech in by 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. It needs to be in for me to run. Someone help me!

Thalia - Continually Exhausting the English Language

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

From the First

You know, it's actually quite funny how I came to create my own blog. It was in Physics class, and I am almost pretty sure that I was making fun of the idea of blogging, not that I'd never considered it. And yet, here I am, wow. I honestly don't know what I'll blog about, but I'm almost one hundred percent sure that I won't be able to blog everyday. Nonetheless, I'm determined to make this my sanctuary, my home, my refuge and my perpetual asylum...that is, until I forget the entire prospect of keeping a blog, marked by oblivion and remember to forget that there is even such a place where thoughts may flow freely, though restricted as they are, into writing, that is, so long as I follow the rules of the Comstock Law... that doesn't really apply anymore.

So, I leave it at that for today, and I hope that at some point later tonight or tomorrow I may be able to pour out again, flowingly, as from the salt spout and let myself shine.


Thalia - Perpetually Exhausting the English Language