This summer, of all mine experienced, has by far been one of the top two if not it. Many of the plans I set out to follow through on have been thwarted; my heart has suffered a passive invasion: it has been infiltrated by and in the form of a friend, whose name, of course, should remain (tba) until I find out the answer; I have lost contact with much of what I used to call 'life,' though with the small disclaimer: "as I knew it."
I want to know. I want to understand just what it is that I mean to him. I want to be that person. Thinking back, however, I find that I have never been considered that person by someone valuable enough to remain by my side unfailingly, family disregarded. So, it is with the purpose of finding out where I stand in his view that I challenge myself to step forward and speak. And I will, when the time is right.
Despite any such worries and bothers, I can truly restate that this has been the best of many summers. I have met people that I feel appreciate me, despite the personal costs for those friendships. I just wish there was more I could do and that I wouldn't be let down.
Self-Taught Learner by Lissy Trullie